Wednesday, June 07, 2006

I'm an Uncle!

Close enough really.

My best friend Aaron and his wife Angie have had a daughter!

Layla Grace was born on the 24th of May, about three weeks early. She must have been an impatient little girl, much like her father. He was a month early when he was born, and hasn't really started being patient since. Actually it will be hard to pin any specific traits of this young child on one parent or the other as they are quite alike. Well, if she becomes neat and orderly, then were goin' with Angie on that, otherwise, its a wash.

As I was shopping for a present for this young wunderkind, I came across some baby clothes that just had your typical duckies, bunnies, and poohs. That's Winnie folks, these were clean clothes.

None of them really spoke 'Aaron' to me, so I thought of a few things that should, and maybe will be printed on baby clothes in the future. These are definitely more to Aaron's, maybe Angie's, and my own sense of humor. Now I've never seen anything like this, maybe I need to go into business and start popping them out. The clothes, not the babies...

- Doesn't play well with other babies.

- I'm dressed and out of bed, what more do you want?

- Goo goo? Ga Ga? I can't form syllables, what's your excuse?

- I have the body of a god, unfortunately it's Buddha.

- (on the onesies with footies) Don't you wish you looked this cute in a full body suit?

- Duct tape may hold the world together dad, but my diapers?

- Eating Disorder. I can't keep from putting my foot in my mouth.

- P.U.! I can't change myself, what's your excuse?

- Consciousness, the annoying time between naps.

- You're paranoid? Try living with a baby monitor.

And my two favorite,

- I survived birth, and all I got way this lousy onesie.

- (for the future, and printed on the butt) How's my crawling? 1-800-GOODGRL

Let's get some iron on letters and go to work!


Anonymous said...

That WAS your best blog entry ever. HilARIOUS!

If I may make a suggestion for your clothing line: What about a onesie that says "I'm with stupid..." with an arrow pointing upwards to the person holding the little darling?

Anonymous said...

dave, quit your day job. you're officially in charge of making nearly everything my baby will wear............
on a side note, it was great seeing you last weekend-THANKS!
~crushed red velvet.