Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A, H, & P III

So today was going to begin with golf at 8 in the morning.

That didn't happen.
Strange that this is so, considering the person planning it got a bit plastered last night.

So instead today has been a day treating myself. Some reading, a lot of music, watched a quick movie while doing a little work(so it's not all treating myself).

In the course of my reading, I decided to pop up another blog of Calvin quotes for all of you good hearted people who are reading this. Are there actually any of you reading this? I'm aware I missed a month or so of blogging, and so lost a lot of my readership, but here's hoping that at least some of you that are now getting back to Sarah's blog might happen to stop by mine as well.

POO : Awesome job by Sarah and the Code Red Crew! Love the blog on stltoday, and congrats on being picked to do it for a good long time now. Keep the great place ideas coming. Now I'll finally be able to offer some ideas when I come to town for visits!
Check it out people:


Oh yeah,

POO: P.O.O. means Point Of Order, a sidebar if you will. and UPOO is basically Un-Point Of Order. I sometimes forget the crap I do automatically that makes other people scratch their heads...If they are brave enough to even attempt figuring me out that is...


Yukon Ho!

- I obey the letter of the law, if not the spirit.
- Natural exuberance is one of those qualities that makes me so darn endearing.
- Even though we're both talking English, we're not speaking the same language.
- Happiness is being famous for your financial ability to indulge in every kind of excess.
- Girls flip for guys in jams.
- I'm easily wiled by a woman in a swimsuit.
- I'll bet future civilizations find out more about us than we'd like them to know.
- I take it there's no qualifying exam to be a dad.
- One of the best things about summer is going to sleep with the fan on. The gentle breeze blowing, the droning hum...Everything seems safe and serene when the fan is on. It's cool and lulling and perfect for sleep.
- Someday I hope you have a kid that puts you through what I've gone through. Yeah, that's what grandma says she used to tell YOU.
- Sometimes the anticipation of something is more fun than the thing itself once you get it.
- The end of summer is always hard on me...Trying to cram in all the goofing off I've been meaning to do.
- They can make me do it, but they can't make me do it with dignity.
- The only reason mom and dad are my parents is because I was born to them.
- Leave it to a mother to drag out a goodbye.
- My life needs a rewind/erase button. ....And a volume control.
- Girls are like slugs-they probably serve some purpose, but it's hard to imagine what.
- People who get nostalgic about childhood were obviously never children.
- Any day you have to take a bath and go to bed early isn't a day off in my book.
- Sometimes its good to hush up a while and let Autumn stick in a few words.
- If you don't get a goodnight kiss, you get Kafka dreams.
- I thought my life would seem more interesting with a musical score and a laugh track.
- Isn't it sad how some people's grip on their lives is so precarious that they'll embrace any preposterous delusion rather than face an occasional bleak truth?
- Santa Claus : kindly old elf, or CIA spook?
- This whole Santa Claus thing just doesn't make sense. Why all the secrecy? Why all the mystery? If the guy exists, why doesn't he ever show himself and prove it? And if he doesn't exist, what's the meaning of all this? I dunno...Isn't this a religious holiday? Yeah, but actually I've got the same questions about God.
- How cynically enterprising of you. It's the spirit of Christmas.
- What do you think is the meaning of true happiness? Is it money, cars and women? ...Or is it just money and cars?
- Nobody ever closed school on account of prettiness.
- I had resolved to be less offended by human nature, but I think I blew it already.
- Sometimes I think all my friends have been imaginary.
- Nobody knows how to pamper like a mom.

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