Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Three-ee-eigh-eight-tee-EEN, three-ee-eigh-eigh-TEE-een!

So I skipped a week on the update front because I just had too much going on. But I am off today, and have a little extra time, so....

Three-ee-eigh-eight-tee-EEN, three-ee-eigh-eigh-TEE-een!

(imagine the rhythm of a conga line bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-BUM, bum-bum-bum-bum-BUM-bum)

I've had that in my head all day because I am very excited by this number! It is what I weighed this morning! Last week I had to wait until Thursday to weigh in at 321 (2 pounds down) and this week I tried to workout a little harder and watch the calories a little better to get to 319 in a six day period. But, this morning I weighed in at 318 instead! At 28 pounds down, that puts me at 40% of the way to my original end of the year goal and 8.09% total weight loss.

I've been trying to think of things that weigh 28 pounds...
Two of my usual size bowling balls,
Two of my dog Curly,
open to other things that weigh that much, just can't think of them...

Changed factors in my diet:

I no longer take a second partial cheat day on Sunday. I eat about 2500 calories Sunday-Friday, then on Saturday I let myself have a little bit more than that. This past Saturday I went a little bit overboard, so I am SHOCKED that I lost three this week. The numbers say it should have only been about 2.25 pounds, but I guess I worked out harder than I thought.

Sometimes I switch in a low carb protein shake and banana in for breakfast instead of the usual eggs, bacon, and toast. Give me a chance to have breakfast food for lunch and a little more room for small snacks during the day.

I've started adding cinnamon to a lot of things. Besides it being really good for the processing of sugars, it adds a lot of taste to toast, pudding, and yogurt! Yum!

We are eating so many fruits, veggies, and eggs now means our trash gets a little stinky. So JoVanna and I are going to go to a composting class that the City of Columbia offers. They offer a drastically reduced price wooden composting box for attending, plus we can learn a lot. It would be nice to start that outside, especially if we want to have a garden sometime!

On a side note, I am still studying to get my teaching certificate and luckily ran into a math teacher friend of mine who is going to be needing a sub for a good period of time in the very near future. (about 60 subbing hours are required for me to get my teaching certificate here in Missouri) So yay! Now I must go finish my Substitute Teaching Application.

Onward and Downward,


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