Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Another reason for my choice

'Obama is willing to acknowledge his indiscretions and not apologize for them. His drug use was part of his journey. He returned the campaign contributions of a former friend with an unsavory past. Clinton seems to think that admitting mistakes or acknowledging indiscretions—having second thoughts—is a sign of weakness. ' -Martin Linsky, Special Guest Columnist, Newsweek

This is what got us into trouble with Gee-Dub.

He refuses to admit any mistakes, and therefore compounds them. I remember being told as a child, that lies can get out of hand when they start building up on one another. Admitting a lie/mistake and moving on clears room for future truth/positive outcomes, whereas creating a stack of lies and mistakes blinds people from seeing the truth or making headway towards positive outcomes.

Yet again, another reason I am hoping for an Obama led U.S. in November...

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