Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Another reason for my choice

'Obama is willing to acknowledge his indiscretions and not apologize for them. His drug use was part of his journey. He returned the campaign contributions of a former friend with an unsavory past. Clinton seems to think that admitting mistakes or acknowledging indiscretions—having second thoughts—is a sign of weakness. ' -Martin Linsky, Special Guest Columnist, Newsweek

This is what got us into trouble with Gee-Dub.

He refuses to admit any mistakes, and therefore compounds them. I remember being told as a child, that lies can get out of hand when they start building up on one another. Admitting a lie/mistake and moving on clears room for future truth/positive outcomes, whereas creating a stack of lies and mistakes blinds people from seeing the truth or making headway towards positive outcomes.

Yet again, another reason I am hoping for an Obama led U.S. in November...

Friday, February 15, 2008

Hello Primary Season, Goodbye Soul...or, wait....there is another option?

I can't believe I have stayed fairly silent about the political events going on over these past few months, but rest assured I have had some opinions. Of course, I now feel the need to share some things. Sorry if it seemes like preaching or anything...

Lately I've been hearing a lot about who had what idea first being a reason to vote for one person or another...

Does it matter who had the idea first?

Shouldn't it matter if a person believes it is a good idea and puts it into practice?

I'm tired of politicians, pundits, and citizens who complain about so and so did this first. We can't put all of our faith and hopes on a single person and that single persons ideas. That single person who will end up becoming the president of this country should come up with great ideas, yes, but also know a great idea when they see one and adopt it into their program.

Why the slavish adherence to what the polls suggest?

I think Bill Clinton was, and Hillary Clinton will be a poll-politician. They look and see what the people want, and pander to them. I am not suggesting Obama or any other politican doesn't listen to polls and take them under advisment. Just that they aren't as driven by them. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Clinton as a president moreso than any other president dyuring my lifetime, but I don't think any president can ever be the end all be all for a party. Clinton was not the epitomee of a great president. Reagan was not the epitomee of a great president. We can't look to the past and believe it was such a great time. We need to always be looking forward at what we can become.

I find myself watching American President over and over again this time of year. I kind of see why Christina used to watch it ALL THE TIME. She seriously watched it 30 times in a 30 day span once. I'm sure it was mostly due to the romance quality of it back then. But I know now that we can watch it over and over again becuase of how inspiring it is. Go back and watch that speech Michael Douglas gives. It gives me chills. Unfortunately that movie and the show the West Wing (both written by Aaron Sorkin) are the closest I have gotten into being inspired in politics. Until now.

A perfect storm of opportunity has hit this country to get someone in office that can not only affect policy stateside for the betterment of our people, improve our image and our role in the international community, and inspire citizens to work for the betterment of our country and humanity around the world.

Vote Obama for the world, for humanity, not just America. For all of us, not just for ourselves. Let's have a little less selfishness in this world, and a little more giving.

Let's get inspired people.

Monday, February 04, 2008

If i cared about the money, I wouldn't be doing this this week, but I am back to walking hard on the treadmill, and it felt great!

The first couple of times i went to work out this session, the only things available were bikes and ellipticals. Boo. So I wasn't too keen on going back. I didn't feel good, or feel like i got a good workout.

But this Sunday I got focused and made a schedule for work outs this week. I am going to try and make sure I am at the gym like I have to be at work, Early or on time. And since my shifts are at weird times of day, I can get a machine no problem at 10:15 in the morning!

I worked out today and it felt great, and I even found some songs that help me hit a fast stride and get the heart rate up at a safe level! I've always just shuffled songs on the ipod before, but it is hard to find ones you really want to hear during your work out when you have about 6000 songs, so about half of my time is spent shuffling. A little over halfway through my workout, I hit these four songs in a row, and they are totally going to be the end of a playlist I make for working out. (Yes, I'm that sickly excited about working out that I used the word 'totally'.)

Here's they are:

Styx - Blue Collar Man
Guns n Roses - Sweet Child of Mine
Maroon 5 - Harder to Breathe
Abba - Gimmee, Gimmee, Gimmee (A Man After Midnight)

I think some of the other workout people were staring at me because I was smiling the entire last half of my workout instead of looking like I was going to die. It was a very strange juxtaposition. Walking fast with a sweat-drenched shirt on a treadmill and smiling.

And now, over 8 hours later, i feel really energized and really good. I can't wait to go hit the treadmill again tomorrow! Watch out everyone, I'm going to take all of your money next session!!

ps. Family - there is a little something more in your emails, don't just read this and not read those! Thanks!