Well, I tried to go to bed, but that didn't work out, just not sleepy enough.
Yes, yes, I know it has been quite a while since I have updated. Hopefully this is my re-begin-start-again time. Or something to that effect...
I found this short little thing on a friend's MySpace account, and figured I'd fill it out real quick.
1. band: Cowboy Mouth (www.cowboymouth.com)
2. word: Hammaad (Hammered in Bostoneese)
3. Vacation: Hmm, Panama City 2003 or DC/New York '99
w o r s t
1. Time of day: when the alarm clock goes off (good answer Sarah!)
2. Day of the week: Sundays as of late...
3. Food: cottage cheese....damn you Amy...
4. Memory: not sure i want to venture into this one. Why would I want to venture back through crappy times in my head to find out which memory I deem as the worst?
l a s t
1. Person you saw: my wittle sisto - Tina
2. Talked to on the phone: The manager at Old Chi
4. Text: Elizabeth
5. messaged over myspace: that would be Miss Sarah. I still remember way back in Sophmore year she was talking about getting her hair cut short. I thought this was a travesty as I love her red hair, and therefore, thought there should be more of it. Well, she did get it cut, and for the entire time I knew her she had fairly short hair. Well, i just saw a picture of her on myspace with hair well below her shoulders. Had to inform her that it looked beautiful!
t o d a y
1. What are you doing now: not sleeping
2. Wearing: t shirt, athletic shorts
3. Better than yesterday?: nah, had family time yesterday.
t o m o r r o w
1. Is: Tuesday
2. Got any plans: work, then Hooters Trivia Night. Believe it or not, I am basically being dragged there by some frineds who want a teammate that knows a lot of random junk. Of course I'm not arguing...
3. Goal: Get more done at work than I think I will, and win the Trivia Night
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: waking up... deciding what beer to drink...it's tough!
f a v o r i t e
1. Number: 7
2. Song: currently: Finger Eleven - One Thing, or B.U.S. - I Wanna Be There
3. Color: green
c u r r e n t l y
1. Missing someone: Claire and Amy, the old gang from the Dorms, the Fab Five
2. Mood: semi-apathetic
3. Wanting: sadly...a cuddle partner wouldnt be all bad...or a stiff vodka tonic to put me to bed, that wouldnt be bad either...
Well, maybe sleep wouldnt be all bad, dreaming of the old days. Wishing to be around a particular someone, etc, etc, etc.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
zzzz....i am sir RODNEY gimmelthorpe....KING of the wicker people.....zzzzzzzzzzz
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