Monday, February 13, 2006

Take It & Make It Your Own

On this the eve of Valentine's Day, I must say a few words...

Quit the pessimism!!

I have heard so many people railing on Valentine's Day this year. Do an oddly large majority of my friends and acquaintances just happen to be single at this point in time? Are we becoming more cynical as a people in general? Has the color red just suddenly fallen out of favor and is receiving a large backlash of hatred and jealousy? All of the sudden people are treating love as a horribly trendy fad that just went out of style. (see parachute pants/members only jackets)

What is particularly surprising is that some of the folks that are putting forward a general malaise about the day are on most days, romantics. No changing sides! Not fair! There aren't enough of us romantics around anymore, so we can't be hemorrhaging members on a day like this.

Valentine's Day is a train. Those in relationships are on the train. Those not tend to run and jump out of the way or get squashed like a pressed rose petal. I was a kid who loved trains and (yes, possibly stupidly) stood close to the tracks watching it go by, appreciating it and loving the breeze that followed in its wake. I lost myself in the sound and the feeling. It blocks out every other sense, overpowering you. I kind of feel the same way about this. Relationshipped (new word, it's mine, contact me for the usage rights) people spend the day celebrating their love for each other. Non-relationshipped people start conspiracy theorizing the day.

Why not take the day and make it your own?

I choose to celebrate love on this day. I see the couples in love and bask in that...aura that emanates from them. I see the kids getting cute little cards in the grocery store for their mothers and think its about the cutest thing ever. Let's celebrate love in all of its forms. Family love, friend love, pet love, food love, and my personal favorite, nerd love.

Two years ago I took a walk in downtown Columbia on Valentine's Day. It was a fairly brisk day as I recall, but not overwhelmingly cold. Decided some Hot Cocoa at Lakota sounded about right, and a nice walk would make me feel like I earned it. On my way there I saw three things that stuck out. First, your regular, everyday couple enjoying lunch together. Second a gay couple kissing on the bench outside Shakespeare's Pizza. Third, an elderly couple sitting in Lakota, wearing red, having a coffee, and playing chess. Three very different couples seemingly in love, enjoying a day devoted to that fact. Crossing all ages, genders, and sexual preferences. How can you not love that?

Which brings me to my final point. Romantics vs. Hopeless Romantics.

Romantics do the gestures. Open the doors for the lady, give flowers, kisses at hi and goodbye, holdings hands, feign being weak to let the guy feel big and strong for doing something for you.
Hopeless romantics are the ones who believe in love at first sight, 'soul mates', love conquering all. The truly fun people in my book, are both.

Love to you all, and by the way,

I'd like to be on the train, but I'm content right now to stand close, and enjoy the breeze...


tnc said...

We love you Dave!!! :)

Anonymous said...

After much consideration, I decided yesterday that VDay was okay with me. I've never been a big fan of it, whether in a relationship or not, I was usually disappointed. But, yesterday I woke up, and it was just another day. A day with a nice spin, but just another day. I hate the Hallmark aspect, the capitalizing on people's emotions, but what's wrong with people wearing red and eating candy and loving each other, right? Right. I'm not bitter, I'm just a nonpracticing Valentines Day romanitic. How's that?