I.V....that's new school for intra-venous.
In Vino Veritas.
That's roughly old school for 'There is Truth in Wine'.
Patricia's Foods, where you 'Come Find Your Smile' had a wine tasting event last night. As an employee of the company, I tend to work the majority of these events. Whether it is pouring for the customers, offering serving suggestions and comparable varieties, or demo-ing a new specialty food product such as the ever popular Abita Root Beer mixed with Cask & Cream.
Root Beer Float
1 part Natural root beer (Abita, Boylan's, etc...)
1 part Cask & Cream
Use a natural root beer so the sugars meld better. A non-natural root beer can curdle the drink or cause a really bitter taste. Use cask & cream over Bailey's. The brandy based C&C again melds better than the irish whiskey base in Bailey's.
Anyhow, this tasting I was at as a participant. And I participated, participated, participated. Let's see there was the...

Adam Puchta Norton - A+ - not usually a fan of dry reds. this one was not super dry and very well balanced. favorite of the bunch.

Les Bourgeois Syrah - A - Again with the drier reds! Very good wine, quite tasty. yummm

Cline 'Ancient Vines' Zinfindel - A - Apparently I found a taste for dry red wine recently and this one rounded out the top three of the day for me.
Les Bourgeois Chardonel - B+ - pear flavor dry white with a smooth clean finish
Adam Puchta Vignoles - B - sweet white, very good, but not tart enough for my tastes
Chateau Ste. Michelle 'Horse Heaven' Savvy Blanc - B - great mid dry/sweet vanilla, grapefruit
Folie a Deux Menage a Trois Rose - C+ - merlot/syrah/gewurtz mix. interesting
Adam Puchta Blush - C+ - best blush i can recall, maybe due to watermelon/passion fruit tinges
Les Bourgeois Solay - C - good drinkable cheaper blend that includes 50% chardonel.
Les Bourgeois Vignoles-Traminette - D+ - kinda blah, not sweet or tart, just..there
Pedroncelli 'Russian River Valley' Pinot Noir - D - only pinot noirs i like have a strawberry tinge
Chateau Ste Michelle 'Indian Wells' Merlot - D - still don't like the merlots apparently...
Adam Puchta Jazz Berry - F - apparently a you love it or you hate it wine. might as well drink Boone's for the sweetness level. an off raspberry flavor
Well, after a quick try (or two) of each of these wines, I headed off to Legends for a little hang out time. One of those nights where you just need to 'chill'.
Once again I was congratulated by some and berated by others for using big words like 'Symbiotic Relationship' in the conversation.
Near the end of the night I received a text from a young lady who I hadn't seen in a while. I left, hoping to hang out with her for a while, but those plans were foiled. So what did I do? Went home and ended up finding a good, nay, GREAT webpage that had the tenets of the philosophy of Epicurus. Fair warning that a blog of Epicurus is forthcoming.
So in a way, an evening that started with wine, ended up with some truths.
Funny how we find truth in some of the oddest places. Wine and the internet. I though that combination would be much more likely to lead to bad online purchases, drunk messaging friends that live an ocean away, or bleary eyes due to surfing too long. Not that those didn't occur as well of course...
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